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Author Archive | edyta


International School Delft: First steps in our PYP journey

The International School Delft (ISD), a new PYP candidate school in the Netherlands, opened doors on 1st March 2014. Cloudette and Anna from the IB were interested to meet with Theresa Forbes (Interim Head of School) and Eryn Wiseman (Deputy Head, coordinator and teacher) to find out how one school is starting their PYP journey. […]

Sonya ter Borg is a PYP teacher, currently teaching 5th grade at Riverstone International School in Boise, USA.

Change the conversation

Grade 4 PYP challenges us to have the right conversations that will push our thinking about the future of education closer to innovation. “This is today’s gem from Hugh at GapingVoid. Of this image he says: “If your company is not innovating, it is likely because no one is facilitating the right conversations.” So what are the […]

Kate Bowen, the Early Years Coordinator at KIS International School, Bangkok

Student-led conferences in the Early Years

An Early Years teacher explains the process of student-led conferences she uses in her classroom. “Making the PYP happen (2009) describes on page 52 the role of the student in student-led conferences as being ‘responsible for leading the conference and also taking responsibility for their learning by sharing the process with their parents’. In our […]

Sharyn Skrtic, Grade 3 teacher in Singapore at  International School in Singapore (ISS)

Google portfolios model

Grade 3 teacher shares how her students are using technology “to create their learning space, communicate their learning with others, organize their evidence into portfolio entries, and demonstrate they can be responsible digital citizens through their online presence in the portfolio.” Schools have a responsibility to show evidence of student learning. Portfolios are one method […]

Janet Chapman, Grade 3 teacher at Prairie Waters Elementary School, Calgary, Canada

Our new learning

This is a special blog post written by Grade 3 students from Prairie Waters Elementary School, Canada. Share this with your students and invite them to respond to the questions posted by young writers. “At the beginning of our unit, we learned about what the words in our central idea meant. Our central idea is: […]