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Archive | Early Years


Leading Learning in the Early Years: Collaboration and Emergent Curriculum

  This article looks at how one Early Years team of teachers reimagined the design of the learning in their grade level. Teachers revisited the roots of their own personal philosophies before building a culture of collaboration and inquiry within their teaching team. This changed their programme and student interactions. Pre-Nursery at Suzhou-Singapore International School […]

Fig 3 Mashing it to a pulp

The Paper Clay Project

This article is about curiosity and the developing understandings of the properties of materials in young learners. In our early years class our unit of inquiry for the first term was concerned with understanding the properties of materials, and how people use them. This unit was introduced to the class for the children to develop […]

Stonehill International School – part 4. Agency and developing student voice

Continuing our series of blog posts following four schools at different stages of their IB journey, as they share their experiences and approach to understanding and implementing PYP: From principles into practice, in their own context. Teachers at Stonehill International School have worked hard this year ensuring that student voice is loud and clear. Our […]

The magic of role-play

Discover the magic of role-play and how it helps promote student agency in the early years classroom.  Role-playing is a powerful way of enhancing student agency that fills our classrooms with magic and wonder!  It allows a child’s imagination and creativity to soar, whilst developing an array of valuable skills; inquiry, thinking, social-emotional, communication and […]