Proudly telling the world about #generationIB in our 50th anniversary year
IB World Schools from across the Barents region are working to help create sustainable future societies
Distance didn’t stand in the way of three schools in Norway and Russia coming together to affect climate change.
The BEST (Barents Energy Sustainability Technology) Future project was created by IB World Schools Senja Videregående and Kirkenes Videregående in Norway and Gimnazia 9 school in Murmansk, Russia, and funded by the Norwegian Barents Secretariat. IB Diploma Programme (DP) students discussed how to establish a sustainable environment, and learned about the environmental challenges facing the Arctic and Barents region.
Students began by investigating different types of sustainable and renewable energy. They studied real-life examples in their local surroundings, and had the opportunity to visit Senja Videregaende school to compare and discuss their results.
Also during their visit, students watched presentations by three local and international companies – Troms Kraft, Brødrene Karlsen and Finnfjord AS. They discussed how science, technology and entrepreneurship can create sustainable societies in their local region.
Brødrene Karlsen focused on sustainable fish farming and gave a tour of Senja Island. Following the presentations, the students created scientific posters.
Vivian Jakobsen, DP Coordinator at Senja Videregående school, says: “Through this project we intended to increase young people’s level of knowledge generally, but also specifically in the area of language, culture, industry and the environment.”
Marina Kruptsova, a Gimnazia 9 school student, enjoyed visiting Senja Videregående school, and sharing her culture. She says: “Almost every evening we spent time with Norwegian students. On the first day we presented national costumes, and we taught the Norwegians how to play Russian games, which was great fun. On other days, they taught us how to play their games.”
Classmate Tatiana Zimina, adds: “I think it was the best time in my life.” Students have been applying their newfound knowledge to their lessons.
I now use my knowledge in physics lessons. This project helped me to learn that there are a lot of ways to make the future better if we continue using alternative resources and cooperate.
The schools are already planning next year’s collaborative project – Migration in the Barents Region.