We are looking for MYP coordinators who would like to contribute to coordinator support materials.
You may have seen in the Summary report—Reviewing Programme Standards and Practices: A report on research and design activities (2014 – 2017) on the programme resource centre—that the MYP Programme Standards and Practices are in review. In anticipation of any changes made as an outcome of the review, the MYP development team will update the resources available to support MYP coordinators and welcomes your input to make the resources as useful as possible. We want to create resources with your input, directly from the MYP educator community, that recognize effective and creative implementation of the MYP.
In that spirit, we are seeking examples of a variety of resources from IB World Schools that can be shared with MYP Coordinators on the programme resource centre.
The kinds of materials that we are looking for include:
- Examples of innovative learning spaces, such as spaces designed to promote collaboration, provide access to a variety of resources, or remove barriers to learning
- Formative assessment strategies used to monitor concept-driven teaching and learning
- Learning experiences that allow students to explore and affirm their own identity
- Strategies for promoting health and well-being, including child protection policies and procedures
- Approaches to sharing and reviewing the curriculum with the school community
- Examples of access (admissions) policies that promote a culture of inclusion
- Approaches to engaging and supporting teachers in on-going professional development
- Sample timetables (master schedules) that meet MYP requirements, including creative approaches to subject-group flexibility in MYP Years 4-5
- Budget planning templates
Would you like to contribute?
If you have materials that you would like to share, please get in touch. We’re looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks!