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Calling all MYP individual and societies teachers

We are looking for teachers in the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) who would like to contribute to the next round of curriculum development in individual and societies, currently in research stage and scheduled for first teaching in 2023 (watch for an update on the review process coming this summer that will be published on the programme resource centre).

Curriculum review and development at the IB is a highly-collaborative experience; IB staff and members of the IB teaching community work together to review and refine aspects of the curriculum.

The initial stage of this review kicks off with an online discussion group in March 2019.

Get involved

MYP individual and societies teachers are invited to participate. It will involve online collaboration during March and April 2019.

If you are interested in joining us and taking part in the online review forum and/or in face-to-face, please submit your CV along with a short expression of interest before 18 February 2019 to [email protected].

Send your CV by 18 February 2019