As Diploma Programme (DP) and Career-related Programme (CP) students receive their results today, IB World Schools from around the world celebrate with them and reflect on their two-year IB journey.

Alan Wrafter—Pan-American School, Costa Rica
“Toma tiempo para establecer una visión audaz de cómo lograr un impacto positivo en el mundo. Mantén esa visión frente a ti, avanza hacia ella todos los días y confía en tu capacidad para lograrla. Cuando tengas contratiempos, se amable contigo mismo, comprende que los cambios significativos se producen paso a paso.”
Alison Hampshire—Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, Kenya
“The two-year IB journey is much richer and more complex than that of simply acquiring the knowledge, skills and understanding to be tested through the terminal exams. It is two years that will leave a mark on you in many ways. You will take the knowledge, skills and understanding with you, but you will also take much more: the friendships you made, the attitudes and values that the programme instilled in you and the many experiences you have had along the way.”

Arun Mukherjee—United World College Changshu, China
“It may seem like we have arrived at the destination of the class of 2020. But the destination only gives us one thing to reflect upon, whereas the journey gives us many. Think of today not as a destination, but rather a part of a long journey. We should all be grateful for the compassion and resilience demonstrated by the IB community. I hope everyone understands the importance of consistency, perseverance and reflection. All the best to everyone.”
Captain Rohit Sen Bajaj—Pathways School Gurgaon, India
“Always have a spirit of gratitude. To reflect and acknowledge that your success and accomplishments are a result of you being a beneficiary of a loving, caring community. Stay committed as a life-long learner will never let you down in the journey of life. Congratulations to you all class of 2020.”

Cecilia Muchemi—Naisula School, Kenya
“Congratulations to the DP class of 2020. You graduate into a planet facing unprecedented challenges. Humanity needs your energy, drive and innovative spirit more than ever before. I have every confidence your IB education will serve you well as you seek to make your place in the world and to make a real difference in your chosen fields. Go forth and let your light shine.”
Celeste Colasurdo—Southridge High School, USA
“The accomplishments you achieved in hardship awaken you to broader possibilities and allow you to discern more clearly the path to take. We need your skills, compassion, and perseverance to build a just and healthy planet for all. Congratulations 2020 IB grads!”

Chantal B. Fortin—École secondaire catholique Sainte-Famille, Canada
« Vous avez finalement atteint le sommet! L’enseignement que vous avez reçu au Baccalauréat International témoigne non seulement des connaissances théoriques et pratiques que vous avez acquises, mais aussi de votre rigueur, de votre sens critique, de votre sens de l’éthique, de votre responsabilité sociale, de votre esprit d’équipe, bref de votre savoir-faire et de votre savoir-être. Lors de votre parcours des dernières années, vous avez augmenté votre bagage, vous êtes prêts pour cette nouvelle aventure, celle du postsecondaire. Bon succès, bon courage! »
David Barrs —Anglo European School, UK
“Results day is a stop-over on your journey which began two years ago and now takes you to the edge of the cliff and gives you wings to fly. Whatever the circumstances, those results mean something but don’t ever forget the IB Mission—to make the world a better place. Despite missing school, we have all learned so much from our experience with COVID 19 (Coronavirus)—the greatness and the fragility of our common humanity. Don’t allow yourself to be defined by the global lockdown. The world is ripe for change and you are well-placed, as part of a global network of IB graduates, to be the leaders of that change.”

David Nieslanik—Southridge High School, USA
“Graduates of 2020, congratulations on a job well done! By participating in the DP and CP you have gained skills that will serve you well. We have given you the ability to change the world! Go out and do it! To the first CP cohort graduating from Southridge High School in Oregon, congrats on being our trailblazers!”
Dean Pyrah—Victoria International School of Sharjah, UAE
“Don’t look back—Celebrate the learning you have experienced and use this learning as a positive vehicle for global transformation. Remember it is possible to align your dreams and ambitions with an aspiration for a better world.”

Lucila Sotomayor—UPEAP, México
“Queridos graduados del DP y del POP del 2020: ¡Felicidades! Desde el fondo de mi corazón. ¡Lograr su meta es hacer que mis sueños sean una hermosa realidad!
Desde que supe del IB, su misión y sus valores y sabiendo que el Diploma y el Programa de Orientación Profesional son programas muy retadores, especialmente en estos tiempos tan complejos; los admiro a todos ya que su determinación para llegar a este momento tambien les empodera para hacer que este mundo sea mejor y más pacífico para que todos podamos hacer que nuestros sueños sean una realidad también.
¡Nuevos principios, nuevas alturas que alcanzar! ¡Les deseo a todos éxito y armonía en sus vidas!”
Pelham Lindfield Roberts—United World College Changshu, China
“Congratulations to all DP candidates! Your journey has been remarkable. You have had the opportunity to learn through personal experience much more than can be tested in exams. As you move on from school towards higher education remember that the world is complex, and you will need to adapt to more unexpected circumstances, as you have needed to, to get to where you are now. The skills, competencies and dispositions you have developed in your academic studies will support you in making a difference. The 2020 IB Diploma belongs to you and is unique! Put it to good use!”

Richard Henry—GEMS World Academy, Singapore
“This year’s graduates will never be forgotten. They are now part of history and have learnt more about life in the past few months than others do in a decade. This cohort has had to be more adaptable to change than any other group before and they rose to the challenge. Their experience will never define them, but rather this has shaped them to be more resilient to the only constant in our lives—and that is ‘change’. I’m very proud of our IB graduates of 2020 and I have great confidence in their future success.”
We wish all Diploma Programme (DP) and Career-related Programme (CP) students the best of luck with the release of their results.
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