The IB’s fourth programme, the Career-related Programme (CP) was launched in 2012—making this year its 10-year anniversary. Central to the CP’s success are the team members working behind-the-scenes at the IB. Here, we spotlight members of the IB’s CP curriculum design team. We sat down with Chantell, Becky and Camelia to learn more about their experiences, highlights and what they are most excited about.

How long have you been with the CP Learning and Teaching team, and what does your role involve?
Chantell I am the Senior curriculum manager for the CP. I have been with the IB for nearly seven years, starting off as a curriculum manager and also working on Creativity, activity, service (CAS) for the Diploma Programme (DP). I now have oversight of the curriculum development process for the programme, which brings me into contact with so many internal and external colleagues who share a passion for the CP.
Becky I joined the CP team in 2020 as the Curriculum Manager for the reflective project (RP) and the personal and professional skills (PPS) course. My current focus is on conducting the curriculum review which has provided many opportunities to collaborate with colleagues across programmes and divisions and with CP educators across the globe to support schools’ implementation of the CP and to imagine innovative ways of improving the design of these core components.
Camelia I joined the IB in March 2020 and I am the Curriculum Manager for language development (LD) and service learning (SL), two of the CP core components. My main focus has been on the curriculum review for these two components. This has enabled me to dive into current research in language learning, intercultural competence, service learning/community engagement, to connect with global experts in these fields, to collaborate with CP educators from diverse contexts around the world, and to work with colleagues across all IB programmes and across offices.
What’s the most exciting thing you are working on right now?
Chantell The CP curriculum design team is working on enhancing the CP core for 2025. We have been actively engaging with educators and alumni to understand what they see as the features of the programme core that are so valuable to learning experience and in what places the CP can be even more innovative. It is exciting to think about how we can have the four parts of the core work together even more effectively – more connectivity, more opportunities for students to showcase their skills and talents is our mantra!
Becky During the curriculum review process, it has been exciting to talk with CP educators and alumni and to learn directly from them about the value and power of the CP – how its flexibility and personalised nature have increased access to a rigorous IB education, and how it helps students to connect academic and career interests by building relevant skills that will open the door to future opportunities. Their passion has inspired me to begin exploring new possibilities for evidencing the important skills students develop throughout their CP journey that could allow them to share their accomplishments with others in a meaningful and tangible way.
Camelia It has been such an enriching experience to establish relationships with CP educators from around the globe as well as to be able to have conversations with CP alumni. This has really brought to light the many strengths of the CP, whose flexibility allows schools to meaningfully respond & connect to their contexts and students to define personal, relevant pathways. It has also revealed ways in which we can further strengthen the CP and even aspects of the continuum of an IB education. Together with our CP community, it is really exciting to be able to envision ways in which these two core components can be reshaped to cultivate compassion and ethical engagement with communities.
What are you most passionate about in your role?
Chantell Working in the IB is a privilege, but I don’t think any of the team in Learning and Teaching ever forget where we came from – we are educators first. The best part of my role is knowing that each project we take on, every individual or group we connect with, will contribute to teachers around the world being even more inspired and impactful. As designers we live the mission too – we want the impact to be for a better world.
Becky I feel that if everyone could understand the potential of the CP to help students forge their own future pathways, every secondary school would be a CP school – so I embrace any opportunity to amplify the CP voice and share the excitement of this innovative programme.
Camelia I am here because I have a deep-seated passion for education – for every young person’s right to a good education – and because I believe that education is key to shaping more just, peaceful and sustainable futures for people and the planet. It is an incredible privilege to work at the IB, with its mission at the heart, and to know that you can contribute to shaping educational programmes that can transform students, schools and the world.
What has been the highlight of your CP journey so far?
Chantell As I started with piloting the IB career-related certificate (IBCC) in one county of the UK and then joined the IB to see the programme really take root in the IB community, the highlight for me has always been witnessing the multitude of outcomes for CP students. They are the people I wish I was at 16 -19 years –inquisitive, collaborative and caring, each on a personal journey that they probably had no idea was coming when they opted into the programme. The CP has and continues to enable transformative educational experiences for the widest range of young people.
Becky As a lifelong learner and long-time educator, the highlight for me has been interacting with and learning from other educators and students. I have immensely enjoyed meeting the many CP educators and students who have shared their voices and their experiences with us in development meetings, focus groups and conference sessions, as well as through learning stories, podcasts, blogs and social media posts.
Camelia It has been extremely exciting and enriching to be able to connect with our CP community, to learn from their insights on the current programme and to collaborate with them on the future of the CP. I have been inspired by them to be brave in reviewing the CP’s take on language & cultural learning and community engagement, which are also at the core of an IB education. It has also been an exciting privilege to be able to think of the aims of an IB education and key aspects of the continuum and how they can be evolved to respond to emerging thinking and research in global education and to our diverse contexts and community.
What are three words you’d use to describe the CP?
Chantell Trail-blazing, of-the-moment and inclusive-by-design.
Becky Flexible, engaging and future facing
Camelia Adaptive, relevant, innovative
What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
Chantell I enjoy a lot of edu-related activities from serving on committees related to community engagement and inclusion, to taking part in educational innovation judging panels. Then sometimes, I just bake and sew.
Becky I love to travel and explore new places (whether nearby or far flung), try new foods (both eating and cooking them!) and learn new things.
Camelia I have an interest in the intersections of education, linguistics and language rights, and social & ecological justice, and continue to nourish that through engagement with current research in linguistics and language learning, and with research as well as more activist initiatives in sustainability & climate change education. I enjoy connecting with nature through long walks and photography.