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20 ways to maintain a healthy work-life balance

You have lessons to organize, a staff meeting to plan for, that great book to finish as well as sign up to the gym class you’ve been meaning to get to. The line between work and home life can become a little blurred at times. Where do teachers find the time while keeping everything under control? IB World magazine asked IB teachers for their top work-life balance tips. Here’s what they told us…

group of teachers for IBW post

From left: Jenelle Williams, Melissa Mimbela, Jennifer Fenton, Jennifer May, Adam Pierce, Amanda McCloskey

  1. I get prepared for the following day before I go home for the evening. That way, I’m not rushing around because my lessons are already sorted. – Jennifer May, PYP Teacher, Arroyo Elementary, USA 
  2. Do the task you dread the most first. – Jennifer Fenton, Technology for Learning Coordinator, International School of Geneva, Switzerland
  3. Use your time efficiently at work. Prioritize your schedule and don’t allow yourself to fall behind on essential tasks. – Amanda McCloskey, PYP Teacher, Stonehill International School, India
  4. Focus on the task at hand and reduce distractions. Time is precious so focusing on what needs to be done right away helps. – Melissa Mimbela, PYP Teacher, Asker International School, Norway
  5. Ask for help if you need it. We are a community of learners and we are all here to help one another. – Melissa Mimbela, PYP Teacher, Asker International School, Norway
  6. Resist the urge to respond to emails immediately. Stick to your own agenda of priorities by scheduling a time that suits you to read and respond to emails. – Amanda McCloskey, PYP Teacher, Stonehill International School, India
  7. Learn how to say “no”. Teachers are constantly asked do more with less resources. I think it’s important for educators to only commit to what they feel able to. – Adam Pierce, Head of Department and IB History Teacher, American International School, Kuwait
  8. I keep my family time sacred. From the time I pick up my children from school until they go to bed, I avoid checking my emails or concentrating on work-related projects. – Jenelle Williams, MYP Coordinator, West Hills Middle School, USA
  9. My family and I eat dinner together every night, because it gives us the chance to talk and laugh about our day. – Jennifer May, PYP Teacher, Arroyo Elementary, USA
  10. Know your solace. It could be running, cooking, reading or playing video games but know what it takes for you to recharge. – Adam Pierce, Head of Department and IB history teacher, American International School, Kuwait
  11. Jennifer FentonRemember: balance is personal. There isn’t just one way to find balance. I used to have this idea that balance meant equal time spent for different aspects of my life, but I soon learned this was impossible. All I actually achieved was a feeling of frustration! I now realize that achieving a work-life balance might mean focusing on work for an extended period, but then having the ability to leave it completely behind and devote time to other things. – Jennifer Fenton, Technology for Learning Coordinator, International School of Geneva, Switzerland
  12. Be flexible. Remember finding work-life balance is a continually shifting goal. Life changes and this has a profound effect on what is going to require our attention at any specific time. – Jennifer Fenton, Technology for Learning Coordinator, International School of Geneva, Switzerland
  13. I remember to laugh in the evening. Watching a short, funny show helps me keep life in perspective. – Jenelle Williams, MYP Coordinator, West Hills Middle School, USA
  14. Join a group, club or team outside schools. It will make you accountable to others and you’ll have a sense of not wanting to let down the group. – Adam Pierce, Head of Department and IB History Teacher, American International School Kuwait
  15. Make appointments with yourself. I’ve found scheduling activities I want to do, such as exercising, drawing or reading a non-work related book, helps me to maintain balance. It also allows me to say “no” to extra work without guilt because I have an ‘appointment’ I have to keep. – Jennifer Fenton, Technology for Learning Coordinator, International School of Geneva, Switzerland
  16. I stay dedicated to weekly yoga practice. It gives me something personal to look forward to. – Jenelle Williams, MYP Coordinator, West Hills Middle School, USA
  17. Plan your personal chores as well as your work tasks. – Panna Gandhi, PYP Teacher, Fountainhead School, India
  18. I make sure I actually take my vacations and don’t work through them. – Jenelle Williams, MYP Coordinator, West Hills Middle School, USA
  19. Repeat this mantra: “To take care of others I must take care of myself” – educators are committed to their students, but teachers must know that they will be at their best, for their students, when they takes care of themselves. – Adam Pierce, Head of Department and IB history teacher, American International School, Kuwait
  20. Be kind to yourself and accept that you can’t do everything. Sometimes certain aspects of our lives require more attention and we need to let go of our schedules and self-expectations. – Jennifer Fenton, Technology for Learning coordinator, International School of Geneva, Switzerland