Early in 2012, the IB embarked on a holistic, collaborative and rigorous review process, to examine every aspect of the PYP, from its founding principles and philosophy to its practical operation and support for delivery of the programme.
As part of that process we have, with your help, examined the purpose and function of both the PYP Academic blog and the Sharing PYP practice blog and, as a result, have simplified and combined both to create the new SharingPYP blog.
Our SharingPYP blog will host all the essential updates, news and links to resources and publications to keep you fully informed.
Please also continue to share your contributions to the important SharingPYP practice section, supporting your colleagues around the world. Submissions are now welcome in video or written format, please see the new submission criteria here.
We have lots of activities planned over the coming months, so bookmark this page and sign up for updates.
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