A member of the PYP development team, Cécile Doyen, attended the 2014 ISTE conference in Atlanta, USA.
ISTE’s conference brings educators with different experiences and backgrounds together to share discoveries and learning stories and to connect themto a network of education resources.The conference format was interesting in presenting sessions designed partly as idea incubators and partly collaborative workspaces.
One of the sessions particularly resonated with aspects of the PYP curriculum review. Mike Ribble, author of Digital Citizenship in Schools, and a panel of educators discussed at great length the issue related to digital citizenship in today’s schools and beyond the classroom walls.
Dealing with the development of the IB Learner Profile and the attitudes being an essential element of the PYP, I wonder how IB educators would have contributed to the debate that was taking place in that session. How do PYP schools address the aspect of citizenship development today when we know that somehow it must include the personas we develop in our virtual spaces?
Do you have stories to share about the development of the concept of digital citizenship in your school or in your community? Please share your experience by posting a comment below or start a thread in our LinkedIn group (http://ow.ly/dLvB1). The PYP Educators LinkedIn page is a sub-group of the International Baccalaureate page.
Reference of book: Ribble, M. 2011. Digital Citizenship in Schools (2nd edition).
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