Due to a technical error, many posts on the SharingPYP blog were removed from public viewing. During the following months, we will be bringing some of these articles to light once more.
We will continue to post fresh content as well, alternating with the revisited articles. Indeed, our newer subscribers may not have seen previous articles at all, another reason to bring them back! We will clearly mark these posts we are revisiting – all of the content remains relevant to this day, and may inform your teaching practice and spark new ideas.
We would also like to remind you that the blog survey will be running until Saturday February 14th. Please leave us your comments, opinions and suggestions if you have not done so already:
Click here for the survey form
Thank you for your continuing interest in our blog! Subscribe to stay informed of every post, and follow us on Twitter @IBPYP for additional information.
The PYP development team
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