David Carpenter is the Instructional Technologist for the Washington International Primary School, USA
A school has created a video to illustrate how the school collaborated to develop the Grade 2 unit of inquiry on Weather.
The goal in creating this video about the Grade 2 Weather unit of inquiry is to inform the parents and the great community of the Washington International School Primary Division as to how a PYP unit of inquiry is collaboratively developed. It was also aimed to further understanding of how our combined library and instructional technology partnership supports inquiry, while empowering students to use digital technology to share their understanding. Another important aspect of this video is the cross-disciplinary learning taking place including art, science, math and language arts.
David Carpenter is an international educator having taught in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America. David enjoys co-teaching the Information and Communication Literacies (ICL) curriculum with the school librarians while also collaborating with teachers to design units of inquiry. Another passion is connecting to the greater learning community through his Lessons Learned blog and his co-hosting of the Ed Tech Co-Op podcast.
We do the weather unit in Grade Nursery ( 2-3 years) with concepts Form,Perspective and Change, central idea ” We can adapt to and enjoy any weather” . It is good to know how concepts give a unit a whole new direction. Thank you for sharing your ideas.
Hi Kavitha,
Thanks for your comment. And yes, it is interesting the different directions we can take our units of inquiry. We are fortunate to have this blog as a place to share our practices.
I’m the PYP Coordinator – LOVED this video and can’t wait to share it with my second grade team and art teacher! We have a unit that is very similar – but needs to be more transdisciplinary.
Hi Pam,
Your enthusiasm is appreciated! If you plan to share the video with your teachers, here is a longer version that starting around the 10 minute mark has samples of student work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbkkzpwKqp0 The WIS YouTube channel has a few other PYP oriented videos that might be helpful. https://www.youtube.com/user/WashIntlSchool/videos
Hi David,
Thank you for sharing your amazing video! I would love to have such cooperation myself. I will definitely try to use some of your tips and guidelines! We are starting very similar unit next week, and I hope to implement some of your ideas!
Thanks a lot!
Hi Magdalena,
Good luck with your project. Collaboration with clear guidelines for students and teachers is key. Some welcome news from the Explain Everything app folks is that the newest version 3.0 of the app is that you can go into Settings and turn on “Simple Interface” for your younger students. Here is the announcement: http://explaineverything.com/news/explain-everything-3-0-available/
Good to have Always Learning back.