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Author Archive | Jerica

Approaches to learning: supporting research skills among learners new to the language of instruction

Approaches to learning: supporting research skills among learners through the language of instruction

This article talks about the insights gathered (through a Visible Thinking Routine) from Grade 2 – 5 English learners when they expressed their struggles conducting research in their homeroom.  These reflections unearthed how language can be a barrier and how teachers can collaboratively play a role in bridging these gaps for learners, for them to […]

Empowering IB World Schools to nurture creativity and curiosity

Empowering IB World Schools to nurture creativity and curiosity

The IB is collaborating with the Jacobs Foundation, the Australian Council for Educational Research and the Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment to undertake research into creativity and curiosity across all IB programmes. The IB is inviting IB World Schools to become part of this exciting journey, which is inspired by the IB learner profile.  

Loose parts play

Play with loose parts

In the current scenario children are confined to their homes. Keeping in mind their need to play and the relevance according to their age we have customized the ‘loose parts’ play and taken them into the virtual classroom. 

An inquiry through clay: exploring a new language

An inquiry through clay: exploring a new language

This article illustrates how inquiry can happen in different ways. By using different languages, children can express themselves and apply their knowledge in creative ways. It also shows the importance of listening to student voices and how this helps shape our planning and inquiry.