In this article you will read about how a teacher brought a technology into a classroom to make learning experience more engaging and visually relatable for students.
Author Archive | IB educator
Student-led conferences: PYP parents find out how the world works
This article describes the preparations, planning process and reflections on student-led conferences.
Integration of technology in the PYP: Focus on learning, not technology (Part 2)
Available in Turkish and English. This is the last of a two-part article about integrating technology in the PYP learning environment in upper elementary. The first part illustrates some samples of piloted iPad programme in MEF International School in Turkey.
Integration of technology in the PYP: Focus on learning, not technology (Part 1)
Available in Turkish and English. This is the first of a two-part article which illustrates some samples about how a PYP school in Turkey piloted out the one-to-one BYO (bring your own) iPad programme in upper elementary.
Lateral-thinking using thinking hats
This article narrates how a school implemented the six Edward de Bono Thinking Hats as an effective tool on thinking skills from early years to grade 8.
The value of pre-assessment
This article is available in Spanish and English. The author illustrates how pre-assessment tasks can be used to appropriately challenge and enable every student to extend their understandings.