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Author Archive | IB educator

Vandana Parashar, PYP Coordinator at Pathways School, Noida, India

The change makers

This article illustrates how fifth grade students approached the PYP exhibition under the transdisciplinary theme Sharing the planet and commenced a campaign called F.O.O.D. (Food Out Of Dustbin) to address a global hunger issue.

Daniela Kemeny is a year 6 teacher and PYP Coordinator at SEK International School - El Castillo, Spain

Digital learning portfolios

This article is available in Spanish and English. A PYP teacher and coordinator illustrates how digital learning portfolios are used in their school: by collecting evidence of how each learner is developing conceptual understandings, skills, attitudes and a desire to act, along with the acquisition of knowledge. Using Digital Learning Portfolios has given us the […]

Kimberly House is the Educational Technology Specialist for the Primary School at the Bavarian International School

Flexible scheduling for EdTech (Part 2)

This is the last of a two-part article about integrating technology into the curriculum. The first part explains how a flexible schedule might look like in a school. Setting up a flexible schedule for both EdTech specialists and technology resources leads to meaningful and authentic integration of technology when combined with foundational PYP unit planning. […]

Kimberly House is the Educational Technology Specialist for the Primary School at the Bavarian International School

Flexible scheduling for EdTech (Part 1)

This is the first of a two-part article about integrating technology into the curriculum. As EdTech specialists, our role within the PYP is to authentically integrate technology into the curriculum. In many schools, this means fitting these into weekly scheduled lab sessions and this can be frustrating. The students often do not finish projects during […]