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Author Archive | marijar

Engaging with learner agency as a community

If you are struggling with giving your students the authority to decide for and plan the path of their own learning journey or if you are in two minds whether student agency will throw your classroom discipline and your well-designed lesson plans into question, then keep reading to the end! It’s totally understandable that shifting […]

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Responding to authentic student inquiry

There is intentionality behind setting up a meaningful provocation for inquiry. During this playful inquiry, children showed excitement in understanding school systems, demonstrated ownership of learning, and applied mathematical skills in a real context while collaborating with peers. Neev Academy, North Campus’ academic year kicked off with lots of hopes and possibilities for all the […]

Fig 3 Mashing it to a pulp

The Paper Clay Project

This article is about curiosity and the developing understandings of the properties of materials in young learners. In our early years class our unit of inquiry for the first term was concerned with understanding the properties of materials, and how people use them. This unit was introduced to the class for the children to develop […]


How Does ‘Design Thinking’ Impact Learning?

Design Thinking to Support Students’ Ownership of the Learning Process  The PYP Principles into Practice introduced a Design Thinking Process based on the Stanford University D-School of Design’s model. This is one example of how the Design Thinking Process can be integrated into a unit of inquiry with Grade 3 students.  At Munich International School […]