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Archive | Approaches to teaching

Vandana Parashar, PYP Coordinator at Pathways School, Noida, India

Unraveling the media

Highlights from “Unraveling the media” by Vandana Parashar. Central idea: Media helps us to communicate our ideas and feelings, and to wider audience, and also impacts our lives. On entering the classroom, students were surprised to find posters, banners and signposts hanging from different areas of the ceiling along with a radio, a TV cutout, […]

Jack Little

Student-led conferences: Putting the students’ learning first

“This year, our PYP school decided to make the step from traditional teacher-parent reports day to student-led conference from primary grades 1 to 5. According the IB guidelines: “Student-led conferences involve the student and the parents. The students are responsible for leading the conference, and also take responsibility for their learning by sharing the process […]

It comes from inside me

This article reveals how the reflective process can be the most valuable aspect of self-directed inquiry. “Having completed the amazing Personal Project process this year which is tied to our How we express ourselves unit of inquiry but also to our pastoral [care] driving theme of self-awareness, the reflective processes were, in my opinion, the […]