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Archive | Collaboration


Leading Learning in the Early Years: Collaboration and Emergent Curriculum

  This article looks at how one Early Years team of teachers reimagined the design of the learning in their grade level. Teachers revisited the roots of their own personal philosophies before building a culture of collaboration and inquiry within their teaching team. This changed their programme and student interactions. Pre-Nursery at Suzhou-Singapore International School […]

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Responding to authentic student inquiry

There is intentionality behind setting up a meaningful provocation for inquiry. During this playful inquiry, children showed excitement in understanding school systems, demonstrated ownership of learning, and applied mathematical skills in a real context while collaborating with peers. Neev Academy, North Campus’ academic year kicked off with lots of hopes and possibilities for all the […]

Assessment giving Voice, Choice and Ownership

This article is reflecting on how summative assessment can give voice, choice and ownership to learners. My class of grade 4 inquired into Who we are with the central idea “Knowing our rights and responsibilities leads to a healthy life style.” They explored the following lines of inquiry; rights and responsibilities in society; choices that […]