In this article you will read about how Primary Years Programme students demonstrated choice, voice and ownership through making connections between two transdisciplinary themes. When ownership is given to learners, the results are endless and the learning is fun—that is what they discovered.
Tag Archives | grade 1
Conflict resolution: An inquiry into the needs and problem-solving
This article describes a first year inquiry into how a community interacts. It illustrates an approach for teaching something abstract for young learners.
Building well-being into the units of inquiry
This article explores examples of building well-being into a programme of inquiry, based on grades 2 and 4, under the transdisciplinary theme of “who we are”.
Let’s focus on the arts
This article is about how a PYP school in Peru reworked a unit of inquiry to put the arts in the driving seat. Students from first grade wrote and performed their own plays connected with effective communication and the IB learner profile. This year-long project led by their drama department was supported by many other […]
Technology and assessment
This article talks about how technology can be used effectively to take assessments. It talks about three examples at different age levels where a particular tool was used to ease the process of assessing and grading students.
To science or not to science – that is the question!
In this article you will read how a PYP school approaches science or, better to say, why the school does not have science class in lower school.