Leading students to inquire about life through science 18 July 2017 in Early Years, single subject learning This article shows how children’s hand-on learning in science activities enable them to understand the world.
To science or not to science – that is the question! 23 May 2017 in single subject learning, Transdisciplinary learning In this article you will read how a PYP school approaches science or, better to say, why the school does not have science class in lower school.
Learning through play 8 November 2016 in In this article you will read what and how students learn through play.
How to develop scientific skills in the early years students 4 October 2016 in Early Years, Transdisciplinary learning Young children are often called natural scientists. How a visitor—a caterpillar—to an early years classroom changed the dynamics of thinking in students and became a major instrument in developing scientific thinking among them.