In this article you will find a sample self-assessment rubric showing the connection between the PYP attitudes and action.
Tag Archives | self-assessment
Digital learning portfolios
9 June 2015 in Approaches to teaching
This article is available in Spanish and English. A PYP teacher and coordinator illustrates how digital learning portfolios are used in their school: by collecting evidence of how each learner is developing conceptual understandings, skills, attitudes and a desire to act, along with the acquisition of knowledge. Using Digital Learning Portfolios has given us the […]
Self-assessment as an essential tool
15 January 2015 in Approaches to teaching, Assessment, Early Years
In today’s article, the author explains the benefits and challenges of encouraging learners to assess themselves, and why more teachers should adopt this practice. It is incredible how the end of the year is always crazy for teachers. It does not matter where you work; the last month will be filled with tests that need […]