In this article you will read how a school changed their approach to facilitating student-led conferences to avoid students ‘freezing’.
Tag Archives | student-led conference
Student-led conferences: PYP parents find out how the world works
This article describes the preparations, planning process and reflections on student-led conferences.
Lateral-thinking using thinking hats
This article narrates how a school implemented the six Edward de Bono Thinking Hats as an effective tool on thinking skills from early years to grade 8.
Student-led conferences in the Early Years
An Early Years teacher explains the process of student-led conferences she uses in her classroom. “Making the PYP happen (2009) describes on page 52 the role of the student in student-led conferences as being ‘responsible for leading the conference and also taking responsibility for their learning by sharing the process with their parents’. In our […]
Student-led conferences: Putting the students’ learning first
“This year, our PYP school decided to make the step from traditional teacher-parent reports day to student-led conference from primary grades 1 to 5. According the IB guidelines: “Student-led conferences involve the student and the parents. The students are responsible for leading the conference, and also take responsibility for their learning by sharing the process […]