This article shares a strategy of planning unit that helped in creating a fair and equitable process for evaluating student learning.

This article shares a strategy of planning unit that helped in creating a fair and equitable process for evaluating student learning.
This is a brief example of how inquiry within the PYP exhibition contributes to understanding current global issues.
This article showcases a constructivist approach towards fostering the attitudes of ‘empathy’ and ‘tolerance’. It is also reflective on the school culture, benefiting from a transdisciplinary approach of integrating PSPE with units of inquiry.
In this article you will read how grade 1 students developed conceptual understanding of a ‘system’, under the transdisciplinary theme ‘How we organize ourselves’.
This article presents three technology tools to create an exciting environment for inquiry-based learning.
In this article you will read what and how students learn through play.
About the IB
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a global leader in international education—developing inquiring, knowledgeable, confident, and caring young people. With more than 7,700 programmes being offered worldwide, across over 5,600 schools in 159 countries, an IB education is designed to develop well-rounded individuals who can respond to today’s challenges with optimism and an open mind. For over 50 years, our four programmes provide a solid, consistent framework and the flexibility to tailor students’ education according to their culture and context. To find out more, please visit