This article shares a strategy of planning unit that helped in creating a fair and equitable process for evaluating student learning.
Tag Archives | Unit of inquiry
The important role of single-subject teachers
This article describes how single-subject teachers contributed to a unit of inquiry and allowed the classroom teachers to recognize student’s conceptual understandings that they were previously unaware of.
Student-led development of lines of inquiry
An investigation into student-led development of personal lines of inquiry.
From surface to deep learning: The importance of knowledge
This article illustrates how the use of the SOLO Taxonomy allowed our students to progress from shallow to deep thinking.
Constructivism in practice
In this article you will read how inquiry and constructivism go hand in hand as the learners or inquirers build upon their prior knowledge or previous experiences.
Using literacy to drive inquiry
This article highlights a PYP school’s journey towards fostering language and literacy inquiry as an essential tool for achieving the objectives of the programme of inquiry and ultimately, learner success.