This article is an example of how ‘The Ten Tales from Different Countries’ series of books can be used to support units of inquiry and help develop thinking skills in a Primary Years Programme classroom.

This article is an example of how ‘The Ten Tales from Different Countries’ series of books can be used to support units of inquiry and help develop thinking skills in a Primary Years Programme classroom.
In this article you will find a sample self-assessment rubric showing the connection between the PYP attitudes and action.
This article showcases a constructivist approach towards fostering the attitudes of ‘empathy’ and ‘tolerance’. It is also reflective on the school culture, benefiting from a transdisciplinary approach of integrating PSPE with units of inquiry.
In this article you will read how inquiry and constructivism go hand in hand as the learners or inquirers build upon their prior knowledge or previous experiences.
In this article you will find easy to incorporate practices to ensure all students, including those who identify with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) community, feel safe and supported at school.
This article describes opportunities for parents of the PYP students to gain first-hand knowledge about units of inquiry.
This article talks about what creativity is and why it is important; also it informs how to assess creativity and provides tips on how to take action.
This article explores the rich learning that stems from school celebrations and how this links to the PYP attitudes and learner profile as well as developing an internationally minded community.