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Tag Archives | IB 50th anniversary


Why the IB’s mission is more relevant than ever

Maysa Jalbout has spent her career advocating for greater and better support for education, youth and refugees. She has done so through the non-profit sector, government aid and for over a decade in philanthropy. She is currently a member of the IB Board of Governors and is Chief Executive Officer of the Abdulla Al Ghurair […]

Student designs a Mandala during their school's IB Week

How we celebrated the IB’s 50th anniversary

Walford Anglican School for Girls in Australia ran an IB Week, highlighting approaches to learning   Walford Anglican School for Girls in Adelaide, Australia, has had three big birthdays to celebrate this year—its 125th anniversary, the Old Scholar Association’s Centenary and the IB’s 50th anniversary. To mark these occasions, the school hosted IB Week to highlight approaches to […]


‘The world needs the International Baccalaureate’

By Sir Anthony Seldon Fifty years since its inception, British schools need the IB now more than ever, writes one leading educationalist The IB was created 50 years ago “to develop young people … to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect”. The IB has done its job well in […]


After 50 years, how powerful is the IB’s mission today?

Monique Brouillet Seefried was Chair of the IB Board of Governors from 2003 to 2009 and is parent to three IB Diploma Programme (DP) graduates. Born a French citizen in Tunisia, she grew up in Austria, France and Italy. She later lived in Germany with her husband until 1977 when they moved to Atlanta in […]

Howard Gardner

How timeless values keep education future-proof

Dr Howard Gardner, Professor of Education at Harvard University, looks to the future of education and tells us that in addition to being able to read, write and calculate, students should learn to code, to analyze data, to work comfortably with “big data”.


European cooperation in action

An interdisciplinary project on the aftermath of World War I, involving five IB World Schools, has been a model of international-mindedness and collaboration Organizing a single project within one school can be difficult enough, but five IB World Schools in different European countries have cooperated successfully on a three-year, six-module project, involving more than 125 […]


Students tackle global challenges for #generationIB

We’re halfway through our #generationIB campaign and we’ve already received dozens of submissions from students around the world. IB students have been coming up with exciting, innovative and practical ways to solve global problems, and using social media to engage with the world around them. Teams have set up Twitter and Instagram accounts, some using […]

Aernout GenIB

How to define a global challenge

He reported on the fall of Yugoslavia, the Palestinian intifada, and the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan. Now, Aernout van Lynden is teaching students to find their calling and discover what it means to be a good journalist.