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Alumni share their passion projects on Instagram

What are IB grads passionate about? These Diploma Programme (DP) grads are leveraging Instagram to share their passion projects. You can find more stories like this at @ibalumni on Instagram!

Harrison Lee grew his interest in yo-yo from a hobby into a career path. By pursuing his passion, Harrison become a three-time national yo-yo champion and hopes to enter international competitions. See more from Harrison here.

” I entered the contest for fun, with very few expectations … little did I know that it would become a defining part of my identity.”

Lauren Haley published her bestseller Kids Aren’t Lazy: Developing Motivation & Talent Through Music to inspire children and families to create music.

“I chose teaching because I passionately believe in people. And when you’re looking for someone or something to believe in, there are no better people than children.”

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Nelly Pohl and Charlotte Gustafsson took on the challenge of starting the IB Alumni Network in Lund to build a community of IB grads.

“We started bonding over both having lived in Singapore at some point in our lives. After a while, we both also realized that we had completed the IB Diploma Programme. These similar experiences sparked an instant connection.

At 14 years old, Klaus Tan transformed his passion for photography into a brand with more than 700 million views and millions of downloads.

Without any prior connections in the industry, I spent midnights networking, cold calling hundreds of brand marketing teams and practicing my craft self taught.”

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Giovanni Biga started the first classical music forum for students in Indonesia and uses his training to motivate and mentor young musicians.

“I had always been afraid to challenge myself in pursuing my music career. I was either underestimating my own skill or being afraid to be judged by people who are more experienced than me.”

To hear more from Diploma Programme (DP) graduates check out these IB programme stories. If you are an IB grad and want to share your story, write to us at [email protected]We appreciate your support in sharing IB stories and invite you to connect with us on LinkedIn, Twitter and now Instagram!

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