Students from Sumter High School teamed up with the Sumter Young Women’s Christian Association to raise awareness against domestic violence for the 12th year in a row.
Archive | IB in Practice
Who is responsible for taking action against climate change?
December 6, 2019 in Announcements, Diploma Programme (DP), Events, Heads Up, Inside IB classroom, Primary Years Programme (PYP), Student success
In March 2019, hundreds of thousands of students took to the streets to protest against climate change, but should this be a job for adults? IB World investigates.
Tips on writing creative reflections
October 28, 2019 in Announcements, Creativity, activity, service (CAS), Diploma Programme (DP), Inside IB classroom
CAS Coordinator Sara Díaz, from the International School of Bologna, Italy, realizes how difficult it can be for students to find time to write their reflections and be creative with them. She tells IB World magazine about her two tried-and-tested top tips that can help.