In the fourth episode of a series focused entirely on the Career-related Programme (CP), Chris and Lori share how the personal and professional skills (PPS) course fosters student agency.
Tag Archives | CP
Creating authentic language development experiences
In the third episode of a series focused entirely on the Career-related Programme (CP), Chad Lower explains how language development works in his school and how educators can create meaningful learning experiences.
Navigating the CP reflective project
In this first episode of a series focused entirely on the Career-related Programme (CP), Rebecca Austin Pickard shares some useful tips on how to navigate the reflective project.
Tips during the exam period
Students across the globe are currently sitting their IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), IB Diploma Programme (DP) and IB Career-related Programme (CP) exams. Here are six tips to stay calm during this exam period.
What are the most influential ideas on language learning at present?
As the Career-related Programme (CP) language development review moves into its design phase, the IB has been working closely with thought leader and chair of the ECIS MLIE (Multilingual Learning in International Education) special interest group, Susan Stewart. In a series of three articles for the IB, she shares with us her insights in areas […]