In this article you will learn how to use the Responsive Classroom practice of morning meetings in the primary years programme class.

In this article you will learn how to use the Responsive Classroom practice of morning meetings in the primary years programme class.
This article presents a grade 5 initiative under the transdisciplinary theme ‘Sharing the planet’ to bring peace and harmony between India and Pakistan.
Available in Turkish and English. This is the last of a two-part article about integrating technology in the PYP learning environment in upper elementary. The first part illustrates some samples of piloted iPad programme in MEF International School in Turkey.
Available in Turkish and English. This is the first of a two-part article which illustrates some samples about how a PYP school in Turkey piloted out the one-to-one BYO (bring your own) iPad programme in upper elementary.
This blog post talks about exploring different forms of technology as part of the transdisciplinary theme How we express ourselves. During a unit under the transdisciplinary theme How we express ourselves, we explored how technology can be a modern language of human expression. We began working around the tool or app of the day to […]
“This year, our PYP school decided to make the step from traditional teacher-parent reports day to student-led conference from primary grades 1 to 5. According the IB guidelines: “Student-led conferences involve the student and the parents. The students are responsible for leading the conference, and also take responsibility for their learning by sharing the process […]
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The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a global leader in international education—developing inquiring, knowledgeable, confident, and caring young people. With more than 7,700 programmes being offered worldwide, across over 5,600 schools in 159 countries, an IB education is designed to develop well-rounded individuals who can respond to today’s challenges with optimism and an open mind. For over 50 years, our four programmes provide a solid, consistent framework and the flexibility to tailor students’ education according to their culture and context. To find out more, please visit