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Global Engage

Global awareness as part of IB learning

The internationally-minded IB student is a critical and creative thinker. They engage in global ideas and issues with humanity and compassion. The world in which we live in can be unpredictable and challenging at times, but the IB student can break down these problems and make ethical, reasoned and balanced arguments based on continual development.


You can take that question to the bank!

Coming up with good questions for preparatory or mock exams can be a challenging chore at times. But console yourself that even the most cunning men have struggled with seemingly simple questions. “Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration” – Thomas Edison, American inventor, 1903


Stimulating young inquisitive minds

Kids in general, and IB students in particular, have a natural sense of curiosity and an eagerness to develop new skills. You can help boost this predisposition by further stimulating their longing for inquiry and research. When teaching inquisitive young minds the IB recommends taking a student’s knowledge and individual interests into account. The IB’s […]

Silver Lapel Pin

Most popular products of 2013

We had a great year here at the IB and introduced many useful new resources. These five products, listed in random order, were the most popular items with IB teachers and students on our website in 2013.


Open-mindedness as a part of IB learning

Possessing an open mind is a significant part of IB learning. IB students are open-minded since they understand and appreciate cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities.

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The importance of lifelong learning

Active, lifelong learning has always been important in the IB andecent research into brain development has had revolutionary implications for education. Creating lifelong learners, 2nd edition helps educators put these developments into practise as they encourage lifelong learning.

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Make this school year even better

We want to encourage teachers to stimulate active development in learners and to help them flourish in and out of the classroom. To support teachers in their efforts, we have devised a collection of materials to promote lifelong learning, critical thinking and professional inquiry.


New DP Mathematics Questionbank now available online

The new DP Mathematics Questionbank is now available online! It includes 4 searchable online databases containing hundreds of examination questions, markschemes and subject reports that apply to the current curriculum.

Examination paper and markscheme pack: May 2013

The Examination paper and markscheme pack is an indispensable tool for teachers and coordinators, featuring the May 2013 sessions for all six Diploma Programme subject groups. These papers provide excellent preparation for examinations, while the accompanying markschemes make the pack suitable for both independent study and classroom use.